Who doesn’t want a slim body? But weight loss is a long process. You have to make many efforts to lose weight. Weight loss is the right mixture of the right approach and diet. But if your weight loss plan didn’t give you a good result, then you must be going wrong.

There is so may research happening on the weight loss topic. And finally, they find a correct way of weight loss. According to research, reducing appetite and increasing your body’s metabolism is a good way to get a slim body.

Although there are many proven ways of weight loss, here we will discuss some best weight loss methods. By following these ways, you can get a slim body.

1. Add green tea to the diet.

Having green tea daily is a good way of weight loss. You can’t go wrong with green tea. Green tea has antioxidants called catechins that help to detox the body. It detoxes the scavenging that is harmful free oxygen radicals.

Green tea also reduces inflammation. Green tea lowers the chances of cancer. To weight loss, drink green tea two times a day. It will clean up all the toxins and improve your body’s health.

2. Eat protein in the meal

Protein is loaded with nutrition. Protein helps to improve lean muscle mass. Eating protein burns calories while digesting and metabolizing. If you eat protein daily, your metabolism will increase by 80 to 100gm.

After eating a protein diet, you feel more full. According to some studies, people who eat a protein base diet take 400 fewer calories than those who don’t eat. You don’t have to go for a full protein base diet even if you consume eggs that would be great for weight loss.

3. Avoid processed food

We all know how harmful processed food is. But we still don’t feel like removing it from our diet. But you know processed food also has a bad effect on your weight loss plan. Consuming processed food adds sugar, fat, and calories to your diet.

Processed food tempts you to eat more. That’s why you end up with more calories. And more calories mean more weight, so avoid processed food as much as you can.

4. Add healthy snacks

As much you consume healthily, as much you lose weight. Healthy snacks can also help you to get a slim body. Healthy snacks can do wonders in your weight loss plan.

So always keep a healthy snacks jar near you when you are in-home or out of the home. Prepare healthy snacks with nuts, fruits, and eggs. You will get all the necessary nutrition from these healthy snacks.

5. Less intake of sugar

There is no limit if we talk about how harmful sugar consumption is. It can cause cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. You consume too much sugar in your daily life without realizing it.

If you want to lose weight, then eat less sugar. You will automatically see changes in your body. Minimizing sugar intake is the recipe for a slim body.

6. Do fasting

If you want to lose weight quickly, then do fast often. Eat healthy food once a day and then fast the rest of the day. Fasting can lower LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Facing is one of the easy ways to get a slim body. While fasting takes care of your body well. Consume coconut water and fruit on a fast day. Also, don’t forget to drink water while fasting.

7. Drink more water

Nothing can be better than water if you want to top in the weight loss game. Sometimes our body needs water, but we mistake this water need for food needs. And we and up with consuming more food.

So while you feel hungry at odd times, drink water. Some studies show that if you are a mid-age woman, intake water before eating food can lose weight. You have to drink 2 to 4-liter water in a day.

8. Eat healthy fat

Fat that has omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids consider as healthy fat. Some healthy food examples are nuts, salmon, tuna, olive oil, sunflower seeds, and melon seeds.

Omega 3s help balance omega three and omega 6 in the human body. It is also known for muscle loss.

9. After dinner, take a walk

When you eat dinner, you consume high calories. But taking a walk can help you to reduce some calories. A quick walk after dinner will help you digest and reduce calories.

Walking is also considered a good exercise. It will decrease the chance of many diseases. So taking a walk will be helpful for a healthy body.

10 Do exercise

If you are in exercising, your muscle mass will decrease. By doing some exercise, you can lose weight. Lifting weight is a good exercise. It will reduce your muscle mass.

You can add a morning walk and run to your daily routine to burn calories.


If you are planning to lose weight, these ways can help you. Getting a slim body is a dream for all. But we have to make some changes in our food and exercise for a fit body. You can get a slim and fit body by adding healthy food and avoiding sugar and processed food.


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